This is the online version of the Complex Hex documentation.

This page is built from the latest code on GitHub. It may describe newer features that you may not necessarily have, even on the latest Modrinth/CurseForge version!

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A list of all the patterns I've discovered, as well as what they do.

Phantom MembraneComplexities

Constant Imagination (→ complex)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqq

Pushes 0 + 1i to the stack.

Constant Realisation (→ complex)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqqa

Pushes 1 + 0i to the stack.

Additive Distillation (complex, complex/num → complex)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waaw

Preforms Addition, num will be treated as num + 0i.

Subtractive Distillation (complex, complex/num → complex)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wddw

Preforms Subtraction, num will be treated as num + 0i.

Multiplicative Dstl. (complex, num | complex, complex → complex)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waqaw

Preforms Scalar Multiplication or Complex Multiplication, depending on the given arguments.

Division Dstl. (complex, num | complex, complex → complex)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wdedw

Preforms Scalar Division or Complex Division, depending on the given arguments.

Length Purification (complex → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqaqw

Pushes the Argument (the length).

Realising Complexities (complex → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqqq

Pushes the real coefficient.

Imagining Complexities (complex → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqqe

Pushes the imaginary coefficient.

Conjugation Prfn. (complex → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqqd

Negates the imaginary coefficient of the topmost iota

Heart of the SeaQuaternionics

Quaternionic Exal. (num, vec → quaternion)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waqqqqqe

Pushes a Quaternion with num as the real coefficient and the vector's x, y, & z as the coefficients of i, j & k respectively.

Quaternionic Dntg. (quaternion → num, vec)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wdeeeeeq

Pushes the real coefficient and a vector where the x, y, & z components are the coefficients of i, j, & k respectively.

Quaternionic Rfln.: 1 (→ quaternion)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waqqqqqea

Pushes 1 + 0i + 0j + 0k to the stack.

Quaternionic Rfln.: i (→ quaternion)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waqqqqqeq

Pushes 0 + 1i + 0j + 0k to the stack.

Quaternionic Rfln: j (→ quaternion)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waqqqqqee

Pushes 0 + 0i + 1j + 0k to the stack.

Quaternionic Rfln: k (→ quaternion)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waqqqqqed

Pushes 0 + 0i + 0j + 1k to the stack.

Additive Distillation (qtrn, qtrn → quaternion)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waaw

Preforms Addition

Subtractive Distillation (qrtn, qtrn → quaternion)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wddw

Preforms Subtraction

Multiplicative Dstl. (quat, num | quat, quat → quaternion)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waqaw

Preforms Scalar Multiplication or Hamiltonian Multiplication, depending on the given arguments.

Division Dstl. (quaternion, num → quaternion)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wdedw

Preforms Scalar Division.

Length Purification (quaternion → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqaqw

Pushes the Argument (the length).

Quaterionic Prfn.: 1 (quaternion → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wdeeeeeqa

Pushes the coefficient of 1.

Quaterionic Prfn.: i (quaternion → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wdeeeeeqq

Pushes the coefficient of i.

Quaterionic Prfn.: j (quaternion → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wdeeeeeqe

Pushes the coefficient of j.

Quaterionic Prfn: k (quaternion → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wdeeeeeqd

Pushes the coefficient of k.

Quaternionic Inverse (quaternion → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waqqqqqew

Negates the coefficients of i, j, & k

Matrixification (quaternion → matrix)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wdeeeeeqeawwaeaww

Pushes a matrix that (should) represent the same rotation as the quaternion

Quaterniation (matrix → quaternion)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waqqqqqeeawwaeaww

Pushes a quaternion that (should) reperesent the same rotation as the matrix

Axis Angle Distillation (vec, num → quaternion)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waqqqqqedaqqqa

Pushes a quaternion that reperesents a rotation by the given angle num radias around the given vector.

Glass BottleBubbles

Bubbles' Purification (any → {any})

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qdqdqdqdqdq

Pushes a Bubbled Iota, which when popped via execution (by hermes or the likes), will push the contained iota to the stack.

The spells catalogued here are purported to be of legendary difficulty and power. They seem to have been recorded only sparsely (for good reason, the texts claim). It's probably just the ramblings of extinct traditionalists, though -- a pattern's a pattern.

What could possibly go wrong?

Oak SignBIT Manipulation

These are patterns to manipulate Block, Item, and Text Displays (BITs for short).

Oddly, Scout's Distillation does not seem to work on these, thus I must depend on Entity Prfn. or Zone Dstn.

Summon Block Display (vector, string →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqwqwqwqwqwawqaqqqqqe

Summons a Block Display entity at the given position, displaying the given block. (The string must be the internal name i.e "minecraft:dirt", not "Dirt").
Costs about a Charged Amethyst

Summon Item Display (vector, string →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqwqwqwqwqwaqedeaaedeq

Summons an Item Display entity at the given position, displaying the given item (The string must be the internal name i.e "minecraft:stick", not "Stick").
Costs about a Charged Amethyst

Summon Text Display (vector, string →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqwqwqwqwqwawaaqawdeddw

Summons a Text Display entity at the given position, displaying the given string. Costs about a Charged Amethyst

Entity Purification: BIT (vector → entity)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqwwewewewewewwqqdaqaaww

Transform the position on the stack into the BIT at that location (or Null if there isn't one)

Zone Distillation: BIT (vector, number → [entity])

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqwwewewewewewwqqwdeddww

Take a position and a maximum distance on the stack, and combine them into a list of BIT's near the position.

Zone Distillation: Not BIT (vector, number → [entity])

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eewwqwqwqwqwqwweewaqaaww

Take a position and a maximum distance on the stack, and combine them into a list of non-BIT's near the position.

Translate BIT (BIT, vec →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqwqwqwqwqwawwaqaeaqe

Moves the BIT by the given offset.
(Compounds with multiple uses!)
Costs an amount of Amethyst Dust equal to the length of the offset vector.

Rotate BIT (BIT, quat →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqwqwqwqwqwaqeeeeedww

Rotates the BIT by the given Quaternion.
(Does not compound with multiple uses!)
Costs about one Amethyst Dust.

Scale BIT (BIT, vec →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqwqwqwqwqwawwaawaawa

Scales the BIT by the given vector.
(Does not Compound with multiple uses!)
Costs an amount of Amethyst Dust equal to the length of the scale vector

Kill BIT (BIT →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqwqwqwqwqwaqdwddwdq

Kills & removes the given BIT.

Costs about one Amethyst Dust.